Introducing ‘Consortium’ Feature

1 min readDec 28, 2021


A consortium is a group of two or more individuals, organisations, or governments that work together to achieve a common objective. Consortium framework in the development industry consists of a lead organisation and several implementing organisations working in various regions.

At AidStream, we recognise the group effort of such organisations working together for a common objective and also understand the bigger impact that they are trying to create.

According to the IATI Standard, development organisations are encouraged to publish their activities to the IATI Registry. ​​

Bigger the programmes and the impacts, greater is the responsibility for such organisations to be transparent with their fund data.

The large consortium programmes that get funding from a donor, may also have additional guidance on how they should group their work into activities. One example of such portals is METIS, which is used by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs to monitor the development activities they have funded.

With an effort to make the recording, publishing, and monitoring of these activities efficient, AidStream is building a dashboard with a set of special features for consortiums.

We understand the confusion that may come up when working with a group of organisations each having to publish their consortium-related activities and their own organisation’s activities. Thus, the dashboard will have a module to show these activities separately. Another distinct feature that AidStream is working on is providing a way for the lead organisation and all the partner organisations of a consortium to view the Result and Transaction elements conveniently.




Keeping the spirit of transparency alive since 2013.